Want to add or scale up more key skills to your team! at the same time expedite your project and meet deadlines and budget?

You are at the right place.

benefits with
Ashley Tech Solutions

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Fit Gap

Our resources can blend in with your project goals and work as hand in glove to achieve together all project deliverables to your client. We can be a extended arm of your capabilities and fill in the gap on demand basis. You can choose and pick the right pool of talent which can match your required skills, experience and qualifications.

Cost - Effectiveness

At Ashely we provide cost effective staff augmentation services with highest quality and flexibility. You can scale or descale the size of resources as per the project demand and trim it to the most cost - effective model. One of the major cost cutting factor for you will be the training aspects, we are aware that companies spend large amounts on training their resources or upskilling them, with us your cost of training and recruitment will be completely omitted.


We have extensive proven model of selecting candidates with a right blend of talent, attitude and expertise so that you don’t have to focus on the resource quality. Our resources have through understanding of business core concepts and principles which lead to understanding of the functional scope with capability of taking technical challenges of a project head on


Our resource talent is diversified and competent to fit into rolls which can lead to a successful delivery of the your project and has the ability to share a common business vision. Our recruitment team is in constant quest for finding suitable candidates with good knowledge and experience catering to the positions.

Control over your project

Our augmentation services allow you to have complete control over project deadlines and deliverables as there is complete visibility and accountability of the resources work in progress and the performance standards.

Compliance & Security

Our resources adhere to the standards, guidelines and operating procedures of our client. We have contracts in place to protect your Intellectual property, best practices, standards implemented in your development